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The Travel Is Real

Enjoy The Travel is Real. A podcast about hearing exciting, engaging, weird and wild travel and expat stories. Its a wild ride!

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Dec 29, 2019

Michael D. joins the podcast! This fine Brit recently moved to Bali to learn coding/programing, but before that, he had lived in Bangkok, Thailand for years! Too many years to count! Michael regales a travel story which he and his friends suffered through an incident, to which, could have put significant hurdles and roadblocks on their backpacking trip. But with luck, fortitude, and a specific purchase of a certain item, Mike and his friends had turned a terrible situation into an amazing few weeks backpacking in New Zealand. Mike also illustrates the most effective way to hunt for frogs at night, in northern Thailand.

Episode Highlights:

  • "Sorry Mom, I'm Not Coming Home"
  • The Terrible Incident
  • Rice Paddies and Car Batteries

The Travel is Real Youtube channel for more video content.